Welcome to the Egyptian Walking Onion Farm, otherwise known as Root 66 Harvest!
My name is Marc, and once upon a time, my wife and I started growing a few fruits and veggies on our small plot of Missouri land to feed our growing family.
We started with a few rows of tomatoes and corn, and now have over 2,500 square feet of gardens! Our family has since built two greenhouses, seven raised garden beds for diverse production, and have introduced chickens to make our farm more sustainable!
All six of our children help us grow our 100% heirloom, pesticide-free, and organic produce. Due to the cost of obtaining certification, we are currently a non-certified organic farm. But, every year we work to improve the quality and production of our homestead so that we can serve you better.
We’re so glad you found us, and we look forward to supplying you with wholesome heirloom plants and produce that improve your health and add color to your life.
We hope you like it here at the Egyptian Walking Onion Farm.

Get in touch!
You can reach us by phone at 417-708-4945, email us at Root66Harvest@gmail.com,or hit us up on our Facebook page. We would love to hear from you!