Mint Varieties - Plants

The popular, vibrant, and aromatic mint we all know and love.

Peppermint (Mentha × piperita) is a popular garden sensation, and it's mandatory to have some! Everyone loves it, and you will too! It smells amazing, and the flavor is absolutely iconic! For as long as people have loved candy canes, they will always love peppermint, so grab some for yourself today, and use it in culinary dishes, home remedies, and teas. Do not wait! (Shipments begin in April.)

Beautiful, soothing, and stress-relieving.

Spearmint (Mentha spicata) is known for its delightfully fresh fragrance and wide diversity of uses. It has been used for thousands of years to relieve indigestion, soothe headaches, and reduce stress. It will also attract pollinators to your garden, add a burst of fresh flavor to your culinary dishes, and be something lovely to look at whenever you visit your garden! (Shipments begin in April)

Fruitiness and minty-ness in a single package.

Apple mint has a softer, sweeter flavor profile than spearmint or peppermint, making it perfect for fruit salads, marinades, jellies, and cheeses. It's hardy, easy to grow, and tastes like mint combined with apple (who would've thought?).  Apple mint (Mentha suaveolens) can grow up to three feet on a single stalk, but not to worry if you like your mint short—you can feel free to trim it whenever you want. Like other mints, apple mint is rich with anti-inflammatory antioxidants, and can even be used to relieve minor pain. Apple mint will be a gratifyingly useful and beautiful addition to your garden, so be sure not to pass it up. (Shipments begin in April.)

Minty-ness that's delicate and warm.

This lovely perennial mint is named after the mojito cocktail because it's great for flavoring drinks—the mojito's mild flavor is more delicate than spearmint, but isn't overpowering. Like other mints, you can use it for cooking, fresh eating, tea, or seasoning. It has such a uniquely mild, yet warm smell and taste, and vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals that will boost your immunity! Additionally, mojito mint (Mentha x villosa) attracts butterflies to your garden and is deer resistant. Harvest these fragrant leaves from late spring to early fall. You will not regret adding mojito to your garden. (Shipments begin in April.)

A citrusy minty-ness you'll absolutely love.

The uniqueness of grapefruit mint is found in the way it combines the citrusy tang of grapefruit with the cool, refreshing sweetness of mint, making it perfect for adding a bit of complexity to your drinks and dishes. (It's our family's go-to for mint tea, which you should definitely give a try!) Grapefruit mint (Mentha x piperita citrata) has wavy leaves, a zesty citrus taste, and beautiful lavender flowers. The bees and butterflies love it, and so will you. It's just the thing you need to add a bit of citrusy minty-ness to your life. (Shipments begin in April.)

A fragrant mint with a strawberry hint.

Though strawberry mint doesn’t grow strawberries, it will fill your entire garden with the fragrance of strawberries for the entirety of the growing season! The uplifting, strawberry fragrance will carry your soul to Heaven and beyond. It has hints of strawberry in the taste as well, which makes it just the thing for iced teas and fruit salads. We absolutely love this mint (Mentha spicata) for its aromatherapeutic and immunity-boosting properties and for its strawberry spin on the mint-plant experience. You won't regret giving it a try. (Shipments begin in April.)