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Root 66 Harvest



Regular price $10.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $10.00 USD
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Peppermint—the popular, vibrant, and aromatic mint we all know and love.

Peppermint is a popular garden sensation, and it's mandatory to have some! Everyone loves it, and you will too!  It smells amazing, and the flavor is absolutely iconic! For as long as people will love candy canes, they have always loved peppermint.  So grab some for yourself today, and use it in culinary dishes, home remedies, and teas.  Do not wait!  (Shipments begin in April.)

Peppermint Live Plant Details:

  • Live Rooted Plants (5-8" length)
  • Plants come in 3.5" filled pots
  • Organic & Heirloom
  • Upon delivery - Transplant into well-draining soil with either full or partial sun

Peppermint History

The history of peppermint is simply amazing.  Believe it or not, however, it has not always existed.  It is a cross between spearmint & watermint (hence the "x" in its scientific name mentha × piperita).  Historical records show its use as far back as ancient Rome, Greece, & Egypt!  Peppermint has been noted by ancient renowned philosophers such as Pliny the Elder and Aristotle for its ability to stimulate appetite and act as an aphrodisiac.  It was scientifically classified in England during the 1700's.

People today use peppermint for a multitude of uses such as:

  • Sweeteners & flavoring
  • Indigestion, gas, bloating
  • Headache relief & greater focus
  • Cosmetic Ointment
  • Breath freshener

Get some peppermint today & enjoy the benefits for years to come!

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