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Root 66 Harvest

Egyptian Walking Onions

Egyptian Walking Onions

Regular price $12.99 USD
Regular price Sale price $12.99 USD
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It's healthy. It tastes amazing. It's... the Egyptian Walking Onion!

The walking onion's name comes from the way in which they produce bulbs on top of the plant, wither, fall over—then naturally replant themselves! How cool is that?  Other names this onion goes by are Tree Onion, Winter Onion, & Topsetting Onion.

Contrary to popular belief, the Egyptian walking onion actually doesn't come from Egypt.  Originally it’s thought to have come from India or Pakistan, then later introduced to Europe by the Romans.

During midsummer, the plant will produce a cluster of bulbils (called a set) at the top of the stalk.  From this cluster additional stalks grow, eventually producing a set of their own.  This causes the plant to become so top heavy that (upon dying) it falls over, planting itself, and “walks” to a new area.

The Egyptian Walking Onion is truly a one-of-a-kind plant you 100% need to add to your garden.

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