Egyptian Walking Onions
Root 66 Harvest
Egyptian Walking Onions

The popular & easy tree onion that forever replants itself.
It's healthy. It tastes amazing. It's the perennial the Egyptian Onion!
The walking onion's name comes from the way in which they produce bulbs on top of the plant, wither, fall over—then naturally replant themselves! These perennial plants also go by the name Winter onions, Tree onions, and Allium x proliferum.
Contrary to popular belief, the Egyptian walking onion actually doesn't come from Egypt. It is thought to have originally come from India or Pakistan, being later introduced to Europe by the Romans.
During midsummer, the plant will produce a cluster of bulbils (called a set) at the top of the stalk. From this cluster additional stalks grow, eventually producing a set of their own. This causes the plant to become so top heavy that (upon dying) it falls over, planting itself, and “walks” to a new area.
The Egyptian Walking Onion is truly a one-of-a-kind plant you 100% need to add to your garden. (Live plants ship 1st week of April, and bulbs ship August 1st.)
Egyptian Walking Onions are amazing because they...
...automatically replant themselves.
If you plant the small bulbs to this tasty onion once, you’ll have onions for life! Upon withering, you can pull off the bulbs and plant them where you'd like, or let them do the work themselves.
...multiply rapidly.
Each plant will reproduce itself 10 - 25 times over each year!
...are super easy to maintain.
Walking onions are extremely cold hardy, pest resistant, and drought tolerant. Without any help, they survive temperatures deep into the winter negatives as well as weather into the 100's. Simply amazing.
...are absolutely healthy.
Onions are so naturally full of antioxidants which will protect your heart, lower your risk of cancer, regulate your blood sugar, and support your immune system, that they are an absolute no-brainer plant to add to your garden!

How to Plant
Egyptian onions are able to be grown anywhere in the continental United States (Zones 3-10). You should plant your onions immediately upon receiving them. Plant them 1” deep and 6” apart for optimal growth. They grow well in both full sun or partial shade.

How to Grow
In 1–2 weeks after planting, they will take off, growing a green stalk from the top of the bulb! These onions don’t need much: you just need fertile soil and a little water. Once the green tops are 3-4” out of the ground, add some mulch (wood chips, straw, etc.), and continue to exercise patience!

How to Harvest
Once the onion leafstalks dry up in midsummer, break off the top sets (otherwise known as bulbils) to either replant, store, or eat. In addition to these top sets, onions will grow another large bulb under the ground, which can also be harvested, stored, or replanted. If you store the onions, place them in a well-ventilated, cool, dry area out of direct sunlight.
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